Monday, July 15, 2013

Let the Dipnetting Begin

We always stop at the Fred Meyers store in Soldotna for ice before heading to our dipnetting grounds.

I also needed a large cooler for fish; that pretty brand new white one on the floor is it!

We headed out to check things out around 4:30 pm, were back to the RV's around 9:30 pm, cold, wet, and very hungry.  We left in such a rush that we really didn't set up our "camp site." After pealing off waders (brand new and leaked!), I set about organizing things, including counting and putting the fish on ice before we could eat and crawl into bed.

It was crazy!  I had planned to take pictures, but shortly after arriving at beach and unloading the "beach mobile" I put my net in the water, and it then it let loose.  Immediately I caught the first fish, my sister-in-law was seconds behind me with her first fish.  We were pretty much neck and neck, 8 fish in about 30 minutes, and I stopped counting!

In those crazy 4 hours at the beach, with just two nets, we caught 38 Sockeye Salmon!  Two of us in the water catching fish, two on shore removing them from the nets, and then cleaning them, at an average rate of one fish every 6 minutes!

My pretty white, brand new cooler is full of 30 fresh caught salmon chilling on ice. 

Today, will try to take pictures! No guarantees!  

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