Thursday, February 26, 2015


I am not one to have a lot of UFO's hanging around.
I guess I see them as another item on my to do list.
Another item that I can't check off.
An item that symbolizes my procrastination.
One of my character flaws.
So, most projects are knit to completion. 
These two UFO's, or resting WIP's, often mock me:

Started July 10, 2012
I began it after finishing my Helix Scarf.
The Helix was knit from my own hand spun yarn.
The yarn was knit into many things before being allowed to become Helix.
Before becoming Helix, it was a Birch Leaf Shawl, but too small.
I didn't even frog Birch Leaf Shawl, but knit Helix directly from the unraveling Birch Leaf.  
Birch Leaf Shawl will have to sit.  It is a simple pattern, but right how requires far too much concentration for my current knitting needs.
I am not sure why I am knitting a shawl as I never wear shawls.

Started May 19, 2013
Awaiting sleeves. 
I attempted to knit the sleeves like two-at-at-time socks.
I ended with a major tangled mess and, she sits in a basket, waiting for sleeves!

So, just two, that's all I have.  One day, I'll finish them.
Maybe not anytime too soon as I am craving mindless knitting.

Birch Leaf Shawl's pattern, though simple, is not mindless.

Knitting sleeves that match on Lucy -- too much stress.

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