Thursday, May 12, 2011

Smooth Yarn Ahead!

Last night I passed where I had been before frogging these socks to the beginning and now have nice smooth, non-frogged yarn!

Heels turned, gusset picked up, and working on the gusset decrease.

I am torn between keep on cruising with my mom's socks until they are done, or to set them aside once I have finished the gusset decrease and get my cousin's socks that far, and then alternate between the two socks until they are done.

This Saturday is our monthly Knit2gether, and I'd like to have some mindless knitting.

Between the two socks, my cousin's socks are a little more mindless, so maybe I need to get her socks ready for mindless knitting Saturday!

It looks like I will meet my goal to have them both off the sticks and ready for feet by the end of May.

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